Cat vs. Dog
You know how they say there are dog people and there are cat people?
I am a cat person. Cats are cuddly, cute, and natural heating pads on a cold fall evening. They are smart, sassy, and independent — not unlike my favorite people.
However, I have to admit I am slowly becoming a dog person - by default. You can't really blame me. It's simply a hazard of living the mountain life.
Adirondackers love their pets as much as they love their extreme seasons and high peaks. And it seems when living in the Adirondacks, you have to embrace the idea of furry four-legged companions of the canine-type being around at all times. If you don't have a dog, your best friend, boyfriend, parents, or neighbor does. I'm sure if you have shopped at one of our friendly, locally-owned shops, or visited one of our restaurants, you have been greeted by a pup or had occassion to offer a treat to a well-behaved dog.
I have started to accept the fact that sometimes, in certain circumstances, just once in a rare while, dogs really might be a better companion than a cat. And strangely, those certain circumstances all center around one theme: Exploring the great outdoors.
So, without further adieu - here are the 5 times when I'd rather have a dog by my side. (Don't worry, my cats agree with my findings.)
5 Times Dogs Win
1. Hey, let's go for a Walk!
Tonks & Teddy's uncontrolled enthusiasm vs. Whitey & Howard pretending we don't exist.
It's hard to take a cat on a walk. Don't get me wrong, I've seen the occassional kitty-on-a-leash at one of our many campgrounds, but my boys would rather scratch you than docily walk along. They're cats afterall - if it's not their idea to go for a walk, it's a bad idea. And that's just sad. Our towns are super pet-friendly. Next time you're wandering from store to store, notice all the water bowls and special treats placed about for our furry friends.
2. Want to play in the snow?
Bailey enthusiastically enjoying the snow vs. Blacky licking the frosty window.
Once the flurries start to fall, my boys would rather veg out and lay in front of the fire than head out on an icy adventure. Sad news when you think of how much fun they're missing! Adirondack dogs definitely get the win when it comes to playing in the snow - heck, they'll even pull you on a sled ride over the lakes and through the fields if your timing's right.
3. Making a Splash!
Brody & Cole starting the day's adventure on a forest trail headed for the lake vs. Whitey walking the kid to the bus stop then heading home for a nap.
There's so much to say about the pros of hiking with a dog vs cat, I'm not sure where to start... actually let's just say, dogs lead the way in this category. I can't imagine my cats happily charging through the woods in search of a backwoods pond, splashing through puddles along the trail, or heaven forbid, getting their paws muddy!
4. Scenic drive, anyone?
Addie happily hits the road with no destination in mind vs. Whitey who prefers to keep his feet on the ground, and, hey - get out of the way already, won't you?
Okay, so this was a close call. But, I'm giving dogs the win when it comes to leisurely scenic driving (or riding as the case may be). While many pets don't mind the wind in their hair, my cats just won't shut up when the car starts moving. I can't imagine bringing them along for a relaxing ride, I'm sure within 20 minutes I'd be going crazy, yelling: I hear you meowing, and I'm sorry I had to drag you along, but you're part of this family, too, and you're going to enjoy this trip just like your brothers!
5. Time for a climb!
Sam T. Dog happily on a summit vs. Howard & Whitey bored at the top of the stairs.
Ask the cats to go for a climb, and they'll look at you like you're insane. Don't you know they climb all day? From the top of the stairs, to the top of the fridge, to chasing the resident squirrels up the tree, they give Santa's reindeer a run for most agile. Of course, following a gorgeous path through forests and past streams to reach the peak of a mountain just isn't something they'll even purrtend to enjoy for your sake. Bring the dog. That's the only answer.
6. The look

Just for fun I am throwing in the "who wore it better" pic. Obviously both Akimbo and Whitey are in a state of disbelief that you haven't booked your next Adirondack vacation yet.
What are you waiting for? Whether you're a cat person or a dog person, experience all the Adirondacks has to offer - and bring your four-legged friends along for the adventure. We'll be sure to put out the treats.
Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been?