
Experience Spring in Indian Lake

After winter relaxes its cold grip on Indian Lake, the page turns to spring! Runoff from the melting snowpack ushers in whitewater rafting season starting in April. As the season continues, our trails become suitable for hiking use once again. Spring is a time for renewal and anticipation of our summer season. 

Whitewater Rafting

Indian Lake is the Whitewater Rafting Capital of New York State. Several rafting companies are available to take you safely from Indian Lake to North River on the Indian and Hudson Rivers.

Running from the dam-controlled put-in site at Indian Lake to North River, this 17-mile gorge trip is one of the greatest single-day rafting trips in America. The trip starts on the Indian River, which drops 150 vertical feet in 3.5 miles before reaching the confluence of the Hudson River.  The next 10 miles on the Hudson offer numerous Class III-IV rapids with calm pools in between the rapids. Blue Ledge Rapid, The Narrows, Osprey Nest, Mile Long Rapid, OK Slip Rapid, The Gunsights, Kettle Mountain, and Harris Rift are the common names used by the guides to refer to the different parts of the river. The 17-mile wild water trip drops approximately 650 vertical feet and passes through the heart of the Adirondack Park.

Visit our rafting companies to get started on your amazing experience!   


After the mud has dried up, go hiking! Most of our hiking trails cover intermediate terrain. But we do offer significant mountain climbs up Blue Mountain and Snowy Mountain. Hiking before the trees foliate can give you some fantastic sights! Stop at the Indian Lake Chamber of Commerce Visitor's Center to get our popular hiking map and get started on our 4-3-2-1 Hiking Challenge.


Trout season starts April 1st, but you may need to wait until ice-out most years. Our numerous rivers, streams, and lakes include: Cedar River, Indian River, Hudson River, Big Brook, Lake Abanakee, Adirondack Lake, Indian Lake, and Blue Mountain Lake. Boats may be rented from local marinas. Boat access sites are available for canoe and kayak put-ins as well. The lakes are surrounded by verdant mountainsides and you will find trout, bass, pike, pickerel, perch and pan fish of many varieties. Lake trout can be caught in Indian Lake. Rivers and streams are stocked with brown trout and some native brook trout can be found in streams.

Fishing licenses are available at the Chamber of Commerce's Visitor Center and Town Hall during their respective business hours.