The Black Woods: Discovering Racial Justice in the Adirondack Past, featuring Amy Godine.

Great Camp Sagamore Welcomes Special Guest Author, Amy Godine

On Tuesday, September 10th, author and historian Amy Godine will be visiting Great Camp Sagamore to talk about her newest book The Black Woods: Discovering Racial Justice on the Adirondack Frontier. 

More information here:

Adirondack History has no shortage of stories. But for far too long, they have been almost exclusively white stories. Indeed, the term "Adirondacker" tends to evoke some combination of Irish or Quebecois heritage. Certainly, those are stories worth sharing, as they have done so much to define the region.

Yet other stories have gone untold--including those of African Americans who lived and settled amongst New York's great northern woods and mountains. Some came for voting rights. Others came for opportunity. And still others journeyed here following a higher justice, either fleeing enslavement, advocating for its abolition, or both. And they all contributed to making the "Black Woods," turning Adirondack spaces into fights for racial justice, and--sometimes--homes and hearths as well. 

Join author and historian Amy Godine and Sagamore Historian Connor Williams for an afternoon and evening discussing Godine's new book The Black Woods: Pursuing Racial Justice on the Adirondack Frontier. 

Guests have three options to participate:

  • Option 1 - CONVERSATION - 7:15-8:15 PM - Free and open to the public (Advance reservations required)
  •                   Join Amy Godine and Connor Williams for a conversation on Amy's research, findings, and experience in writing The Black Woods.  
  • Option 2 - DINNER & CONVERSATION - 6:00-8:15 PM - $29.95 per person, with beer, wine and cider available for purchase (Advance reservations required)
  •                   Extend the experience even longer by joining Amy and Connor for dinner in Sagamore's historic dining hall.  
  • Option 3 - WORKSHOP, DINNER & CONVERSATION - 4:45-8:15 PM - $79.95 per person, which includes the workshop, book, and dinner (Advance reservations required)

Are you curious about how practicing historians encounter Adirondack archives, how we read these pieces of the past, and how we find and formulate our arguments?  Are you interested to learn how documents and ephemera from our past can help us think about our lives today?  And just what is "Adirondack History," anyway? Partake in a pre-dinner workshop dedicated to exploring those very questions through the analysis and discussion of primary sources. This will be followed by dinner with the two historians, culminating in a public conversation. You will also receive a signed copy of Godine's book.